Monday to Friday: 8.30am - 5.00pm
Optimise Health and Wellness

Privacy Statement

At Optimise Health and Wellness, we take the privacy, dignity, and confidentiality of our participants/clients, employees, and services seriously. Our Privacy and Confidentiality Policy ensures that all information collected is protected and any disclosure is managed carefully.

Policies and Procedures

We are committed to protecting the privacy of our participants/clients and comply with all regulatory obligations regarding personal information. We also protect company information that is confidential. To do this we have policies and procedures in place to ensure compliance with privacy regulations across all departments and for all employees.

These policies and procedures apply to any individuals whose personal information that we may hold or collect. This includes:
• Employees
• Participants
• Contractors, Suppliers of goods or services or Consultants
• A person’s information provided by third parties
• A person who is seeking employment with Peak Plan Management

Laws and Regulations

• In handling Personal Information, Optimise Health and Wellness adheres to the Privacy Act 1988 and the Australian Privacy Principles outlined within it. The director is responsible for staying up to date with the latest regulatory requirements and ensuring these are followed as a part of day-to-day operations.

Personal Information

Personal Information:
What is Personal Information and why do we collect it?
Personal Information refers to details or opinions that identify an individual. This includes:
• Names, addresses, and email addresses
• Phone numbers
• Health Information, which covers physical or mental health or disability details.

At Optimise Health and Wellness, we gather Personal Information through various means such as:
• interviews
• correspondence
• phone calls
• emails
• secure forms
• from third parties, including our website and publicly available sources.
We always obtain consent from individuals before processing their information.

We collect Personal Information solely for the following reasons:
• To assess eligibility for services
• To ensure the safety and responsiveness of our services
• To monitor the services provided
• To fulfil contractual obligations by providing non-identifying data and statistical information to relevant funding bodies.

Whenever we collect Personal Information, we will explain the purpose behind it and how we intend to use it.

Information Security

We have robust security measures in place to protect personal and company information, including restricted access and secure storage. We safeguard our IT systems against unauthorised access and ensure that paper-based files are secured. We also ensure that access to your personal or sensitive information within our systems is only available to our staff who need to have access to do their work, and to people that you have authorised access to the information available.

Storage and Access
• All information is stored electronically in Optimise Health and Wellness’s cloud database.
• Information is restricted to relevant personnel only.
• Access to personal information is controlled by the Director and relevant department managers.
• Company-owned electronic devices (PCs and laptops) are protected from malware, spyware, and viruses.
• Access to all information is restricted and protected through individual login credentials and passwords assigned to all employees.

If a data breach occurs, such as if personal or sensitive information that we hold is subject to unauthorised loss, use or disclosure, we will respond in line with the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner’s Data breach notification process. We will aim to provide timely advice to you to ensure both we and you are able to manage any potential harm or loss, financial or otherwise, that could result from the breach.

Use and Disclosure of Information:
We only use personal information for necessary purposes and disclose it only when required by law or with consent.

Training and Awareness:
All employees receive training on privacy and confidentiality policies and regulations.

Supporting Documents

We provide relevant documents and forms for reference, including consent forms and incident management procedures.

Read the full Privacy and Confidentiality Policy and Procedure below:

Optimise Health and Wellness